There are days you feel fatigued from emotional stress and no effort from people close to you seems to help. Emotional stress is something many people go through and they find it difficult coping with. When you have drained all the strength from your emotional bank, below are some ways to replenish yourself.
Treat yourself
There are so many activities you get carried away with and at the end of the day, you discover that you hardly have time for yourself or even a chance to give yourself a good treat. Whenever you feel emotionally down, take yourself out on a treat. You can go for a boat ride, have lunch or dinner at your favourite restaurant, go to the movies with your friends, just ensure you do something that takes your mind off work or any unpleasant distractions.
Engage in activities you love
There are so many things that strike your fancy, do those things. Do the things you love, it could be as simple as sitting in the dark and staring at the stars. It can even be taking a walk on a sunless day, just do the things you love doing as these things will help you get better.
Learn to say NO
The desire to want to help lots of people might be overwhelming but you need to know you cannot help everyone, you cannot be there for everybody. Sometimes, learn to say “NO” without feeling guilty. When you tell people no at times, they learn to appreciate your decisions while not taking your availability for granted. The greatest emotional drain is depriving yourself of fun while feeling emotionally exhausted by all the responsibilities and calls on your time and energy.
Drop toxic friendships
If any relationship you have tend to be toxic, drop it. The last thing you should crave for in life is toxic friendships or relationships, they will drain you and leave you at a point zero where you will have nothing to give yourself. You have no love for yourself and you constantly get emotionally drained. For your own sanity, drop toxic friendships and relationships.
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