In a bid to lose weight, we come across quite a number of advice on what to do and which or what diet to eat and the ones to avoid. However, there are many ‘tricks’ in the book that don’t actually work.
Keep reading to inform yourself on some of the advice you have been given or tricks that some have sworn by to help you lose weight but don’t actually do anything to help you in your weight loss journey according to The Healthy.
Go on a cleanse
You most likely have heard this advice from someone or read it somewhere that going on a cleanse helps your body to get rid of harmful toxins and help with your weight loss. According to the National Institutes of Health, the weight lost completing a cleanse or detox is not sustained in the long run as temporary solutions equal temporary results. Cleanses can lack important nutrients like protein and fiber that can leave you exhausted and hungry. Your kidneys and liver naturally detox your body, so cleanses aren’t necessary.
Cutting carbs
When you cut carbohydrates from your diet for weight loss reasons, your body feels weak and tired. Rather than cutting carbs from your is to increase consumption of high-fiber carbohydrates, which slows digestion and prevents blood sugar spikes.
Going glutten free
Many gluten-free products are filled with sugar and other unhealthy fillers. Plus, some studies suggest that going gluten-free means you’ll miss out on the cardiovascular health benefits whole grains provide.
Cutting out fat
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, fat is a necessary nutrient for your health—but all fat isn’t created equal Yes, you can cut out unhealthy, saturated fat from your diet to help you lose weight but still maintain diets rich in healthy fats like nuts, fish, and extra virgin olive oil as appropriate in small amounts.
Filling up on water
One of the faulty weight loss tips you might have heard is that drinking a glass of water before a meal tricks your stomach into thinking it’s full. However, taking the edge off hunger with water could help you listen to your body’s cues to avoid overeating.
Wearing a fitness tracker
Multiple studies have shown that activity trackers don’t help you get fit or lose weight. There’s nothing magical about simply strapping one onto your wrist—you have to set goals and then actually follow them in order for them to be effective, as a recent study showed.
Exercising is good for your body but studies have shown that the more physically active you are doesn’t necessarily equate to more weight loss because of the way your metabolism adjusts, causing you to plateau. Plus, exercise is only helpful if paired with a healthy diet.
Starving yourself/skipping meals
Skipping meals should not be considered an option for losing weight. Research shows that skipping meals leads to a higher intake of calories throughout the remainder of the day. You should aim for a healthy diet and lifestyle that you can sustain in the long run.
The medical information provided in this article is provided as an information resource only. This information does not create any patient-physician relationship and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment.
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