When it comes to ‘Sex’ as a topic, many couples find it very uncomfortable to discuss. Many feel embarrassed about their bodies, and for those who have been sexually rejected at some point tend to feel insecure.
Not to mention our culture and life experiences which have created feelings of sexual shame, making romantic and intimate sex a scary endeavour to even talk about which leads to poor intimacy or none at all.
Couples who have a great sex life make sex a priority rather than the last item of a long to-do list. They create space for intimacy and connection. These couples talk about sex and put the relationship first, despite the demands of work and kids. They discover sexual pleasure through a variety of methods, not just intercourse.
However, sexually satisfied couples are emotionally attuned to each other inside and outside of the bedroom. The key to long-term happiness then, sexually and otherwise, is for both partners to support and value their friendship.
Communication is one of the many important factors that hold together any friendship or relationship. It takes a lot of work, time and dedication building a strong communication bond. This helps in knowing how best to tell your partner exactly how you feel and what you need to at that moment to make you feel better.
The assumption your partner can read your mind is false and limits the depth of your intimate relationship. Learn to have conversations with your partner about cues, verbal and nonverbal, that you can count on and look forward to whenever you are aroused.
On the other hand, there will be times when you’re just not in the mood. The key to maintaining an emotional connection is to refuse sex gently, in order to avoid making them feel rejected. So tread carefully and with a heart full of love.
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