Breakups and letting go of people hurt especially if it is someone you have spent years with. Whether the relationship you were in was toxic or not, letting go of someone you committed to is difficult.
As a friend, you will feel sad when you see people who matter to you go through heartbreaks.
Even though you might want to see your friend move on quickly, and possibly find someone better, there’s no way you can accelerate the process.
There are some things you should avoid saying to your friends when their hearts are broken and below are some:
There are so many men out there
Even though you might want to see your friend move on quickly, and possibly find someone better, there’s no way you can accelerate the process. Telling her there are plenty of fishes out there is insinuating her ex is not important enough. You might not like him, but he must have been important to her, so respect that.
There are girls that are better with sex
It is disrespectful to assume your guy friend is just interested in sex, so many things make up a relationship and sex may or may not be inclusive. Let them go through the break up the way they want, you can only try to cheer them up the best way you can.
Don’t waste your tears on him
Everybody mourns differently. Allow your friend to cry as much as she wants and give her as much time as she needs. It’s not a waste of tears to cry over a love that is lost. Remember, your friend is at her most vulnerable right now and she needs the assurance that she can come to you, anytime, if she needs to cry, vent or wallow.
You are a man
That clause has made many go into depression. He is a man who was in love, allow him to mourn till he is better. Being a man does not mean they cannot feel or cannot go through emotional outbursts. Stay by him, help him get better. Do not trivialise his emotions.
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