For the first time in a very long time, the world has a common enemy. With the emergence and the fast spread of the COVID-19, a lot of people would not get to be together.
A lot of cool hangout spots would be shut down, or better yet, there’ll just be the apparent distance made even more apparent with the present epidemic. Many would be alone and a lot more would be forced to spend more time with their parents.
Deepest condolences! It simply would not be easy to be away from your partner at this time, but it’s a must. You are taking the much-required precautions.
But, where there is a will, there is a way right?!
One very important and very instrumental means of staying sane at this time is technology and electricity. But with our side of the planet, electricity is a luxury, so it might be hard. So, if you have invested in a very good power bank in preparation, then you may proceed, but if you have not, not to worry, you still can tag along. First, we gotta hand it to technology, because imagine a time like this without technology and the internet? What would have been the go-to, ravens? No, let’s not!
For the love birds, far and wide; even farther and wider with the current situation, Not to worry, here are a few things you could do together.
“Have you washed your hands?” “for how long?”
Now, this question should definitely replace the classic “have you eaten?” at this moment. That question needs to take a back seat, really! At least for the time being because really, what is a relationship in these parts without it. Be concerned about each other’s health and hygiene at this time. Remind each other about hygiene at this time and be each other’s support system and a beacon of positivity. You must practice a very strict routine not for yourself alone, but for everyone else.
Whether it’s the facetime or skype or the WhatsApp video call, you are gonna need it at this time. Cook, wash, read, work, snore, anything, together. Whatever it is. Replace that morning text with a video call, shall we? It’s time to share e-kisses. Let’s go!
Most sports shows have been cancelled, no one is hooking up to play video games at this time. The sports betting industry is already losing millions at this time and ladies you just might have your man’s full attention. He is not going to hang with the guys anymore. So what you can do is play a game together too. Check out whatever game is on the internet or IMessage and put some money on it. Make it more fun. You loose 6 -10 rounds, you pay N200 – 500. (And we have to keep the prices down please, yunno!!) It’s sure gonna be a lot of fun and you get to improve on your aiming skills because keeping up with that cup pong is the cause of the extreme opposite of the definition of zen!
There might have been a halt on going to the movies at this time but that does not mean you can’t still have that cinematic experience. And this is even more comfortable, it involves pillows, your very own selection of food/snack and no annoying personalities. You can still Netflix and chill. You pick a time. You have a time table, select who picks a movie, the phone’s plugged in, facetime audio on, and voila, you are viewing together. You get to hear each other’s reactions to each scene, critic and discuss as if you were actually watching together in person.
If you have not already, now is a good time as any to get started. At this time, most authors are giving out coupons for their various courses. Granted, you do still have to work but you could learn a new skill as well. A couple that learns together, doesn’t necessarily stay together but you get the picture. You each either pick the same course or you don’t.
Whichever you’d rather, it will be instrumental at this point to stay in touch. Yes, you have been doing a lot of this already but now you could double on it. And this a great time as any to find out if you are cut out for the long distant life. Now you get to decide if you have the ride or exit stage left. Just kidding, but no really, do what it takes, it won’t cost a thing!!
Now, not everyone is home at this time, many still get to go to work and face a lot of people everyday. Many are even in the medical field. If you have a partner that is in this category you need not be too cautious and panicky or worried. Just remain calm and positive. We would get through this!
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