Facebook News Today – How Do You See News on Facebook
Recently, people have been carrying fake news. And from all around the world, people are trying to stop this fake news. Facebook is working towards carrying a new news feature. A feature that will circulate legit information instead of carrying false news. Things happen from all over the world. And when they happen, there are individuals who witnessed it while some who even make videos as they happen. Some of these individuals try to spread this news using the social platform to either gain more followers or likes on their page. In the cost of that, people start making fake news just to draw attention. And if you are not careful, you might read and want to believe this fake news.
In other to aid us in getting the right information, Facebook is working to include a feature to their platform that will help dispense the right news plus creating awareness of what is happening around the world. and to do this, Facebook is working with different credible sources reliable of dispensing the right news to the audience (public).
Today in (Facebook News Feature)
Today In is an amazing Facebook news feature that helps individuals from different locations of the world stay updated with news from the right source (local source). Aside from updating people with quality news, they also keep individuals updated with changes made by government, lawmakers and by officials.
How Do You See News on Facebook
You can also gain information from other incredible sources like Facebook pages run by news stations. And you can locate most of these pages using the Facebook search bar. Even top news station has their pages on Facebook. Stations like BBC and CNN. You can contact the using their page and most importantly, get the best information out of the page as you follow them. Do not just carry news that does not have a good source, confirm using other platforms then you can proceed to spread the news.
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