Following a statement that was made by CEO Pavel Durov in July, Telegram has now provided official confirmation that its Stories feature is in the process of being rolled out for Premium customers.
This update is the result of user requests that have been collected over a period of years, with more than half of those requests pertaining to Stories. The corporation was first apprehensive due to the ubiquity of Stories on other platforms; nevertheless, in the end, they opted to listen to the requests of its consumers.
Telegram for Premium users now have the ability to share their moments with specific audiences through the usage of Telegram Stories. The tool gives users the ability to manage who sees their stories, giving them the option to share them with everyone, contacts, a select few, or a list of close friends.

The conversation list has a portion at the top that can be expanded to view the stories, which is a convenient location for them. You may make the experience even more tailored to your preferences by hiding certain contacts’ access to their Stories by moving them to the “Hidden” list in the Contacts area of your account.
In addition, users have the ability to include captions, links, and tag other users in their own Stories. BeReal-like in appearance, a one-of-a-kind function enables the simultaneous publishing of photographs and movies captured by the device’s front and rear cameras.
You have the ability to choose when your article will be removed from the site, with options ranging from six to forty-eight hours. Alternately, you have the option to display your Stories in a persistent manner on your profile page, analogous to how Instagram highlights your Stories.
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During the course of the feature’s testing within the Telegram team, even the members of the group who were first skeptical ended up appreciating it. This led Durov to concede that the messaging service is now inseparable from Stories. Even though the deployment for Premium users has already begun, the timetable for when the Stories feature will be available to those who are not Premium subscribers is not yet known.
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